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To Tear or to Dry: Making the Right Call for Your Carpet with SERVPRO

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

Water loss in a commercial setting. Sometimes it can be tricky to decide whether or not carpet survives a water loss.

Carpeting adds warmth and comfort to any space, but when water damage strikes, it can quickly become a battleground between restoration and replacement. Knowing when to tear up a carpet and when it can be salvaged with drying equipment is crucial for maintaining your home's comfort and aesthetic. Here’s a thoughtful guide from SERVPRO® to help you make the best decision:

Assessing the Extent of Water Damage

The first step in determining the fate of your carpet is to assess the extent of water damage. Water damage can be categorized into three levels:

  • Category 1: Clean water from sources like broken pipes or sink overflows.
  • Category 2: Contaminated water with some level of chemicals or pollutants (e.g., dishwasher overflow).
  • Category 3: Highly contaminated water (e.g., sewage backup).

For Category 1 water damage, where the water is clean and the damage is minimal, drying the carpet with professional equipment is often feasible. SERVPRO uses specialized extraction tools, air movers, and dehumidifiers to thoroughly dry the carpet and underlying padding, preventing mold growth and structural damage.

Considering Contamination and Health Risks

If the water damage involves Category 2 or Category 3 water (contaminated or sewage water), tearing up the carpet is usually recommended. Contaminated water can introduce harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens into the carpet fibers and padding, posing health risks to occupants. In such cases, prompt removal and disposal of the carpet and padding are essential to ensure a safe and sanitary living environment.

Assessing Structural Damage and Saturation Levels

Even with Category 1 water damage, certain factors may warrant carpet removal:

  • Saturation Level: If the carpet and padding are saturated beyond a certain point, drying equipment alone may not be sufficient to restore them fully. SERVPRO technicians use moisture meters and infrared cameras to assess moisture levels in carpets and underlying materials, guiding the decision-making process.
  • Structural Damage: Water damage can compromise the structural integrity of flooring materials, including subfloors and baseboards. If there are signs of structural damage or if moisture has seeped into these materials, removing the carpet may be necessary to prevent further damage and ensure thorough drying of the affected area.

Odor Control and Aesthetic Considerations

Even if drying equipment successfully removes moisture from the carpet, lingering odors from water damage can be challenging to eliminate. SERVPRO employs specialized techniques for odor control, but if odors persist despite drying efforts, replacing the carpet may be the most effective solution for restoring indoor air quality and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your home.

Consulting with SERVPRO Professionals

Ultimately, the decision to tear up or dry a carpet should be made in consultation with SERVPRO professionals who have the expertise and tools to assess the situation accurately. Our team provides comprehensive water damage assessment, customized restoration plans, and transparent guidance to help homeowners make informed decisions about their carpets and overall property restoration.

Conclusion: Trust SERVPRO for Expert Guidance

In conclusion, whether to tear up or dry a carpet depends on factors such as the extent of water damage, contamination level, structural integrity, and aesthetic considerations. SERVPRO's prompt response, advanced equipment, and expertise ensure that your home receives the best possible care during water damage restoration. Trust SERVPRO to guide you through the process with professionalism, transparency, and a commitment to restoring your home to its pre-damage condition.

Navigating Commercial Water Damage: SERVPRO's Crucial Role in Restoration

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

Commercial water loss in Medford. SERVPRO has access to hundreds of pieces of drying equipment.

Welcome to our unique exploration of commercial water damage and the pivotal role SERVPRO® plays in swiftly restoring businesses to their full potential. From office buildings to retail spaces, warehouses to restaurants, water damage can strike unexpectedly, disrupting operations and threatening livelihoods. Today, we delve into how SERVPRO's expertise, efficiency, and dedication help businesses bounce back stronger than ever.

Understanding Commercial Water Damage

Imagine walking into your office one morning to find a burst pipe has flooded the entire floor, damaging computers, documents, and furniture. Or perhaps you manage a restaurant and discover a leaky roof has caused water to seep into your dining area, forcing closure during peak hours. These scenarios aren't just inconveniences; they're potential disasters that can halt operations and tarnish reputations.

SERVPRO's Rapid Response

In times of crisis, rapid response is crucial. SERVPRO understands this urgency. With a network of highly trained professionals and state-of-the-art equipment, they mobilize quickly to assess the situation, mitigate further damage, and begin the restoration process. Their 24/7 availability means businesses can rely on them to be there whenever disaster strikes, minimizing downtime and preserving revenue streams.

Expertise in Action

No two water damage scenarios are alike. Whether it's dealing with clean water from a burst pipe or contaminated water from flooding, SERVPRO technicians are equipped with the knowledge and tools to handle each situation effectively. They employ advanced techniques such as moisture detection, water extraction, drying equipment, and specialized cleaning methods to ensure thorough restoration.

Minimizing Disruption

For businesses, downtime equals lost revenue and customer trust. SERVPRO understands the urgency of getting businesses back up and running as quickly as possible. Their efficient restoration process focuses not only on restoring physical spaces but also on minimizing disruption to daily operations. From coordinating with insurance companies to documenting the restoration progress, SERVPRO strives to streamline the entire recovery process for businesses.

Beyond Restoration: Building Resilience

Beyond restoring physical spaces, SERVPRO helps businesses build resilience. By addressing water damage promptly and comprehensively, they mitigate the risk of secondary issues such as mold growth and structural damage. Their proactive approach not only saves businesses money in the long run but also protects their reputation and ensures the safety of employees and customers.

The SERVPRO Difference

What sets SERVPRO apart is their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. They don't just clean up water; they restore peace of mind. Their transparent communication, attention to detail, and dedication to quality craftsmanship ensure that businesses can trust them with their most valuable assets—their properties and their livelihoods.


In the realm of commercial water damage, preparation and a swift response are paramount. SERVPRO stands as a beacon of reliability and expertise, guiding businesses through the murky waters of disaster recovery with compassion and professionalism. From emergency response to comprehensive restoration, they are not just restoring buildings; they are restoring hope and ensuring businesses emerge stronger than before.

Join us on this journey as we continue to explore how SERVPRO and their dedicated teams make a difference in the lives of businesses across communities, one restoration project at a time.

Stay tuned for more insights, tips, and stories of resilience in our upcoming blogs!

What to Do When Your Sump Pump Fails: A Guide to Managing Water Damage

6/24/2024 (Permalink)

A failed sump pump in a Medford basement It’s essential to contact water damage restoration professionals like SERVPRO for a thorough assessment and repairs.
 What to Do When Your Sump Pump Fails: A Guide to Managing Water Damage

A sump pump failure can quickly turn into a homeowner’s nightmare, especially during heavy rains or melting snow. When your sump pump stops working, it’s crucial to act swiftly to minimize water damage and restore a dry, safe environment in your home. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do when faced with a sump pump failure:

1. Assess the Situation: Upon discovering that your sump pump has failed, assess the extent of the water damage. Determine how much water has accumulated in the affected area and whether it is spreading to other parts of your home.

2. Safety First: Before taking any action, prioritize safety. Ensure that electricity to the affected area is turned off to avoid electrical hazards. If water levels are high or if the situation seems unsafe, consider evacuating the area until professional help arrives.

3. Check for Power Issues: Verify whether the sump pump failure is due to a power outage or a tripped breaker. If power is the issue, safely restore power to the sump pump and observe if it resumes operation. However, if the pump remains non-functional, proceed with other steps.

4. Remove Water: Use a wet/dry vacuum, submersible pump, or buckets to begin removing water from the affected area. Start with the highest concentration of water and work towards the sump pit or a floor drain to facilitate drainage.

5. Address Damp or Wet Materials: Remove any damp or wet items from the affected area to prevent further water damage and mold growth. This includes furniture, carpets, and other belongings that may have been exposed to water.

6. Dry Out the Area: Promote drying by using fans and dehumidifiers to reduce moisture levels in the air and on surfaces. Open windows and doors if weather permits to facilitate airflow and aid in the drying process.

7. Clean and Disinfect: After water removal, thoroughly clean and disinfect the affected area to prevent mold growth and bacterial contamination. Use a solution of water and mild detergent, followed by a disinfectant approved for use on water-damaged surfaces.

8. Contact Professionals for Assessment and Repairs: Even if you’ve managed to mitigate initial damage, it’s essential to contact water damage restoration professionals like SERVPRO® for a thorough assessment and repairs. They can inspect for hidden moisture, assess structural damage, and ensure proper restoration to prevent long-term issues like mold growth.

Preventing Future Sump Pump Failures:

  • Schedule regular maintenance for your sump pump, including cleaning and testing.
  • Consider installing a battery backup or water-powered backup sump pump to ensure operation during power outages.
  • Inspect and maintain the discharge pipe to ensure proper drainage away from your home’s foundation.


Experiencing a sump pump failure can be stressful, but knowing how to respond promptly can significantly minimize damage to your home and belongings. By following these steps and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can effectively manage water damage and restore your home to its preloss condition. At SERVPRO, we’re here to help with comprehensive water damage restoration services. Contact us today for expert assistance and peace of mind.

Trust SERVPRO for prompt and reliable water damage restoration services. Contact us immediately if you’ve experienced a sump pump failure—we’re here to help restore your home.

Safeguard Your Business: The Value of SERVPRO's Emergency Ready Plan in Medford, MA

6/11/2024 (Permalink)

Commercial Client in Medford, MA In Medford, MA, and beyond, SERVPRO is your trusted partner in emergency preparedness and disaster recovery.

Running a business in Medford, MA, comes with its own set of challenges, from unpredictable weather patterns to unexpected emergencies. Whether it's a burst pipe, fire, or natural disaster, being prepared is paramount to minimizing downtime and mitigating damages. That's where SERVPRO's Emergency Ready Plan (ERP) steps in, offering commercial clients in Medford a comprehensive strategy to protect their assets and streamline the recovery process.

Understanding the Emergency Ready Plan

The SERVPRO® Emergency Ready Plan is a complimentary service designed to help businesses prepare for and respond to emergencies swiftly and effectively. It involves a detailed assessment of your facility, identification of crucial contact information, and creation of a customized plan tailored to your specific needs.

Key Benefits for Commercial Clients in Medford

1. Minimized Downtime:

Time is money, especially in the business world. With an ERP in place, your team can act swiftly in the event of an emergency, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuity of operations. Quick access to critical information such as shut-off valve locations, utility contacts, and emergency protocols can significantly reduce the impact of disruptions.

2. Enhanced Safety:

The safety of your employees and customers is paramount. The ERP includes vital safety information and evacuation procedures, empowering your staff to respond calmly and efficiently during emergencies. By proactively addressing potential hazards and implementing safety measures, you create a secure environment for everyone on your premises.

3. Mitigated Damages:

Prevention is always better than cure. By identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities beforehand, the ERP helps mitigate damages to your property and assets. Whether it's implementing preventive maintenance measures or establishing protocols for rapid response, proactive planning can significantly reduce the extent of damage caused by water, fire, or other disasters.

4. Streamlined Recovery:

In the aftermath of an emergency, every minute counts. The ERP provides a structured framework for recovery efforts, ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page and tasks are prioritized effectively. From coordinating with restoration professionals to communicating with insurance providers, having a comprehensive plan in place streamlines the entire recovery process, enabling you to get back to business as usual sooner.

5. Peace of Mind:

Perhaps the most invaluable benefit of the Emergency Ready Plan is the peace of mind it offers. Knowing that you have a well-defined strategy in place to address emergencies gives you confidence and reassurance, allowing you to focus on running your business without constant worry about what might happen in the event of a disaster.

Trust SERVPRO for Your Emergency Preparedness Needs

In Medford, MA, and beyond, SERVPRO is your trusted partner in emergency preparedness and disaster recovery. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses like yours safeguard their assets, protect their people, and minimize downtime in the face of adversity. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary Emergency Ready Plan assessment and take the first step towards a safer, more resilient future for your business. Remember, when disaster strikes, SERVPRO is Here to Help®.


Understanding Biohazard Cleanup: Causes, Methods, and Precautions by SERVPRO

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

One of the biohazard jobs that SERVPRO faces daily. With a 24/7 emergency response, SERVPRO promptly addresses biohazard incidents, minimizing exposure risks and preventing further property damage.

Biohazard incidents require specialized cleanup to ensure the safety of both property occupants and restoration professionals. Here’s a comprehensive look at the causes, methods, and precautions SERVPRO® takes when dealing with biohazard cleanup:

Causes of Biohazard Contamination

  1. Bloodborne Pathogens: Accidents, injuries, or violent crimes can lead to blood spills containing harmful pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, and MRSA.

  2. Sewage Backups: Blockages or malfunctions in sewage systems can result in sewage backups, exposing properties to bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

  3. Crime Scenes and Trauma: Crime scenes, suicides, or traumatic incidents often require biohazard cleanup due to blood, bodily fluids, or tissue contamination.

  4. Hoarding Cleanup: Hoarding environments may harbor biohazards such as mold, bacteria, and animal waste, posing health risks to occupants and cleanup crews.

Methods of Biohazard Cleanup

  1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): SERVPRO® technicians wear appropriate PPE, including gloves, masks, goggles, and protective suits, to minimize exposure to biohazards.

  2. Containment and Disposal: Contaminated materials are safely contained and disposed of according to OSHA and EPA regulations, preventing further spread of biohazards.

  3. Thorough Cleaning and Disinfection: Using hospital-grade disinfectants and specialized cleaning techniques, SERVPRO ensures thorough decontamination of affected areas.

  4. Odor Removal: Biohazard incidents often result in foul odors. SERVPRO utilizes advanced deodorization methods to eliminate odors and restore indoor air quality.

Precautions Taken by SERVPRO

  1. Training and Certification: SERVPRO technicians undergo specialized training and certification in biohazard cleanup, ensuring compliance with industry standards and best practices.

  2. Adherence to Regulations: SERVPRO strictly adheres to OSHA, EPA, and state regulations governing biohazard cleanup to protect the safety and well-being of occupants and technicians.

  3. Compassionate Service: SERVPRO understands the sensitive nature of biohazard incidents and provides compassionate, discreet, and respectful cleanup services to alleviate stress and trauma for affected individuals and families.

  4. Rapid Response: With a 24/7 emergency response, SERVPRO promptly addresses biohazard incidents, minimizing exposure risks and preventing further property damage.


Biohazard incidents pose significant health risks and require professional cleanup to ensure safety and mitigate further harm. SERVPRO’s comprehensive approach to biohazard cleanup, including proper precautions, specialized methods, and adherence to regulations, ensures effective and thorough restoration of affected properties. Contact SERVPRO for expert biohazard cleanup services you can trust.

For immediate assistance with biohazard cleanup, contact SERVPRO today. We’re Here to Help®.

Ensuring Sanitation: A Vital Step in Restoring Your Home After a Water Loss

5/28/2024 (Permalink)

Cleaning and sanitizing a countertop following a loss Proper sanitation helps eliminate moisture and removes any existing mold spores, preventing mold growth and further damage to your home.

Water damage in your home can be a stressful experience, but restoring it to its preloss condition involves more than just drying out the affected areas. One critical aspect of the restoration process that often gets overlooked is sanitation. Proper sanitation is essential to ensure the safety and health of you and your family after a water loss. In this SERVPRO® blog post, we'll explore the importance of sanitation during home restoration after water damage and the steps involved in achieving a clean and healthy living environment.

Why Sanitation Matters:

  1. Health Concerns: Standing water and moisture create the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and other pathogens. Without proper sanitation, these contaminants can pose serious health risks to occupants, leading to respiratory issues, allergies, and other health problems.

  2. Preventing Mold Growth: Mold can begin to grow within 24 to 48 hours after water damage occurs. Proper sanitation helps eliminate moisture and removes any existing mold spores, preventing mold growth and further damage to your home.

  3. Odor Removal: Water damage often leaves behind unpleasant odors caused by mold, mildew, and bacteria. Sanitizing the affected areas helps neutralize these odors, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean.

Steps for Sanitation During Home Restoration:

  1. Safety Precautions: Before beginning the sanitation process, ensure that the area is safe to enter. Turn off electricity to prevent the risk of electrical shock, and wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, masks, and goggles, to protect yourself from contaminants.

  2. Thorough Cleaning: Use appropriate cleaning agents and disinfectants to clean all affected surfaces thoroughly. Pay special attention to areas that came into contact with contaminated water, such as floors, walls, and belongings.

  3. Deodorization: Utilize specialized equipment and techniques to eliminate odors caused by water damage. This may include air scrubbers, ozone generators, or thermal fogging to neutralize odors at the molecular level.

  4. Drying: Proper drying is crucial to prevent mold growth and maintain a healthy indoor environment. Use high-powered fans, dehumidifiers, and moisture meters to ensure that all moisture is removed from the affected areas.

  5. Professional Assistance: While you can take certain sanitation measures on your own, it's essential to enlist the help of professional restoration experts like SERVPRO for thorough and effective sanitation. Our trained technicians have the expertise, experience, and specialized equipment to ensure that your home is properly sanitized and restored to a safe and healthy condition.


Sanitation plays a critical role in the home restoration process after water damage. By prioritizing sanitation and following proper cleaning and disinfection procedures, you can ensure the safety and health of your family and protect your home from further damage. Remember, when in doubt, don't hesitate to contact SERVPRO for professional restoration services. We're here to help you every step of the way.

Honoring Our Firefighters

5/20/2024 (Permalink)

Loading the equipment SERVPRO hosts carpet cleaning event as a tribute to our firefighters' bravery and sacrifice.

At SERVPRO®, we believe in giving back to the community and showing appreciation for those who dedicate their lives to keeping us safe. In recognition of the heroic efforts of our firefighters, we are proud to announce our upcoming community service event—a complimentary carpet cleaning for our local fire stations.

Celebrating Heroism:

Firefighters are the unsung heroes of our communities, bravely rushing into danger to protect lives and property. Their selflessness, courage, and unwavering dedication deserve recognition and gratitude. As a token of our appreciation, SERVPRO is honored to extend a helping hand through our specialized carpet cleaning services.

A Fresh Start:

Fire stations serve as more than just bases of operation—they are sanctuaries for our firefighters, where they rest, recharge, and bond as a team. However, the daily rigors of firefighting can take a toll on these spaces, with carpets bearing the brunt of heavy foot traffic, equipment movement, and occasional spills.

Our carpet cleaning initiative aims to provide fire stations with a fresh start, revitalizing their communal areas and creating a clean, comfortable environment for our local heroes. By restoring the cleanliness and aesthetics of their facilities, we hope to express our gratitude and support for their invaluable contributions to our community's safety and well-being.

Professional Expertise:

Led by our team of highly skilled technicians, SERVPRO's carpet cleaning services guarantee exceptional results and unmatched attention to detail. Utilizing advanced cleaning techniques, eco-friendly products, and state-of-the-art equipment, we ensure thorough soil removal, stain treatment, and odor elimination, leaving carpets looking and smelling like new.

Our technicians approach each cleaning job with precision and care, treating fire station carpets with the same level of dedication and professionalism as any other restoration project. From entryways and common areas to dormitories and recreational spaces, no corner goes overlooked in our quest to deliver superior results and exceed expectations.

Community Partnership:

SERVPRO's commitment to community service extends beyond this single event—we view it as a continuous partnership with our local fire departments and first responders. By fostering strong relationships and supporting each other's efforts, we can collectively make a positive impact and create a safer, stronger community for all.

In conclusion, SERVPRO is honored to host this carpet cleaning event as a tribute to our firefighters' bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to serving others. Together, let us stand in solidarity with our local heroes and express our heartfelt appreciation for their tireless dedication to keeping us safe.

Unveiling the Real-Life Heroes: SERVPRO's Brave Acts in Medford and Everett Fires

5/13/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO, the real-life superheroes of Medford and Everett SERVPRO technicians work tirelessly to rebuild what was lost, restoring homes and businesses to their former glory.

Unveiling the Real-Life Heroes: SERVPRO's Brave Acts in Medford and Everett Fires

In the bustling neighborhoods of Medford and Everett, Massachusetts, where the rhythm of daily life hums steadily, there exists a silent guardian, ready to spring into action when disaster strikes. That guardian? None other than SERVPRO® – the unsung heroes of fire response and restoration.

Picture this: a blazing inferno threatens to engulf a home, sending residents fleeing for safety and leaving behind a trail of destruction. Amidst the chaos and panic, a beacon of hope emerges – the unmistakable sight of SERVPRO's green and orange vans rolling into action.

Like superheroes descending from the heavens, SERVPRO technicians swoop in to combat the flames, armed with specialized equipment and unwavering determination. With the precision of seasoned warriors, they battle the blaze, extinguishing flames and minimizing damage with the skill of true professionals.

But SERVPRO's heroism doesn't end when the flames are extinguished. Oh no, their mission has only just begun. With the smoke still lingering in the air and the scent of charred debris hanging heavy, SERVPRO shifts gears to the task of restoration.

Like master craftsmen wielding magical tools, SERVPRO technicians work tirelessly to rebuild what was lost, restoring homes and businesses to their former glory with the precision of skilled artisans. From cleaning soot-stained walls to salvaging cherished belongings, they leave no stone unturned in their quest to make things right.

And let's not forget about the human element of SERVPRO's heroism. With hearts as big as their courage, they offer comfort and reassurance to those affected by the fire, lending a sympathetic ear and a helping hand to navigate the difficult road ahead.

In the end, SERVPRO's acts of heroism extend far beyond the physical realm. They are beacons of hope in times of darkness, symbols of resilience in the face of adversity. Their bravery and selflessness remind us all that heroes don't always wear capes – sometimes, they wear green and orange uniforms and carry industrial-strength cleaning equipment.

So here's to SERVPRO, the real-life superheroes of Medford and Everett. May their courage continue to inspire us, their actions continue to uplift us, and their unwavering dedication to service continue to make our communities safer and stronger.

Beyond the Flood: SERVPRO®'s Gold Standard in Water Loss Demolition and Cleaning

5/6/2024 (Permalink)

Cleaning the studs with a Hepavaccuum At SERVPRO®, we pay careful attention to every detail, no matter how small, throughout the restoration process.

Greetings, homeowners and restoration enthusiasts! Today, we're rolling up our sleeves and diving deep into the world of water loss restoration with SERVPRO®, your trusted partner in cleanup and recovery. When it comes to turning chaos into clarity after a water-related disaster, our team has honed a set of best practices that ensure efficient, effective, and empathetic service every step of the way. Join us as we unveil the secrets behind SERVPRO®'s gold standard in demolition and cleaning for water losses.

1. Precision in Planning:

Before swinging the sledgehammer or busting out the mop, our skilled technicians begin with a meticulous plan of action. We assess the extent of the water damage, identify affected areas, and develop a tailored strategy to tackle each task with precision. By starting with a solid plan, we ensure that every move we make is purposeful and efficient, minimizing disruption and maximizing results.

2. Demolition Done Right:

When it comes to demolition, precision is paramount. Our team carefully removes damaged materials, such as drywall, flooring, and insulation, with surgical precision, ensuring that only the necessary elements are taken out while preserving the structural integrity of your home or business. From start to finish, safety is our top priority, and we adhere to industry best practices to minimize risks and hazards throughout the demolition process.

3. Thorough Cleaning, Every Time:

Once the demolition dust settles, it's time to roll up our sleeves and get down to the nitty-gritty of cleaning. From scrubbing surfaces to disinfecting affected areas, our team leaves no stone unturned when it comes to restoring your space to its preloss condition. We use industry-leading cleaning agents and techniques to eliminate mold, mildew, and other contaminants, ensuring a fresh and healthy environment for you and your loved ones.

4. Attention to Detail:

At SERVPRO®, we believe that it's the little things that make a big difference. That's why we pay careful attention to every detail, no matter how small, throughout the restoration process. From ensuring proper ventilation to meticulously documenting our progress, we leave no room for error and strive for excellence in everything we do.

5. Communication is Key:

Last but certainly not least, communication is the cornerstone of our approach to water loss restoration. We keep you informed every step of the way, providing clear updates on our progress, answering any questions or concerns you may have, and guiding you through the restoration process with compassion and care. Your peace of mind is our priority, and we're here to support you every step of the way.


When water wreaks havoc on your home or business, trust the experts at SERVPRO® to restore order from chaos with precision, professionalism, and compassion. From meticulous planning to thorough cleaning, our team goes above and beyond to deliver exceptional results, every time. So, breathe easy knowing that your space is in good hands with SERVPRO® by your side.

Until next time, stay dry, stay safe, and remember, when water strikes, SERVPRO® is here to help you weather the storm.

#SERVPRO #WaterRestoration #DemolitionAndCleaning #RestorationExperts


How does SERVPRO® check for water damage in local residences.

5/2/2024 (Permalink)

Using a moisture meter at a Medford residence. SERVPRO technicians use moisture meters to detect hidden moisture within building.

SERVPRO employs a variety of methods to check for water damage in local residences. Here are some common techniques they might use:

  1. Visual Inspection: Trained SERVPRO technicians will conduct a thorough visual inspection of the property, looking for signs of water damage such as stains, discoloration, peeling paint, or warped surfaces. They'll examine walls, ceilings, floors, and other susceptible areas to identify any visible indicators of water intrusion.

  2. Moisture Meters: SERVPRO technicians use moisture meters to detect hidden moisture within building materials such as drywall, wood, and insulation. These devices measure the moisture content of materials, allowing technicians to pinpoint areas that may be affected by water damage even if they appear dry on the surface.

  3. Infrared Cameras: Infrared cameras are another valuable tool used by SERVPRO to identify hidden moisture. These cameras detect temperature differences in building materials, revealing areas of moisture that may not be visible to the naked eye. By capturing thermal images of the property, technicians can quickly locate moisture issues behind walls, under floors, or above ceilings.

  4. Thermal Imaging: Similar to infrared cameras, thermal imaging technology helps SERVPRO technicians identify areas of moisture by detecting temperature variations in building materials. This non-invasive method allows technicians to assess the extent of water damage without the need for destructive testing.

  5. Air and Surface Sampling: In some cases, SERVPRO may conduct air and surface sampling to test for the presence of mold or other contaminants associated with water damage. Samples collected from affected areas are analyzed in a laboratory to determine the extent of microbial growth and identify any potential health hazards.

Overall, SERVPRO utilizes a combination of visual inspections and advanced detection technologies to thoroughly assess properties for water damage. By identifying and addressing water intrusion issues promptly, they can mitigate damage and restore homes to their preloss condition efficiently.