Recent Water Damage Posts

To Tear or to Dry: Making the Right Call for Your Carpet with SERVPRO

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

Water loss in a commercial setting. Sometimes it can be tricky to decide whether or not carpet survives a water loss.

Carpeting adds warmth and comfort to any space, but when water damage strikes, it can quickly become a battleground between restoration and replacement. Knowing when to tear up a carpet and when it can be salvaged with drying equipment is crucial for maintaining your home's comfort and aesthetic. Here’s a thoughtful guide from SERVPRO® to help you make the best decision:

Assessing the Extent of Water Damage

The first step in determining the fate of your carpet is to assess the extent of water damage. Water damage can be categorized into three levels:

  • Category 1: Clean water from sources like broken pipes or sink overflows.
  • Category 2: Contaminated water with some level of chemicals or pollutants (e.g., dishwasher overflow).
  • Category 3: Highly contaminated water (e.g., sewage backup).

For Category 1 water damage, where the water is clean and the damage is minimal, drying the carpet with professional equipment is often feasible. SERVPRO uses specialized extraction tools, air movers, and dehumidifiers to thoroughly dry the carpet and underlying padding, preventing mold growth and structural damage.

Considering Contamination and Health Risks

If the water damage involves Category 2 or Category 3 water (contaminated or sewage water), tearing up the carpet is usually recommended. Contaminated water can introduce harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens into the carpet fibers and padding, posing health risks to occupants. In such cases, prompt removal and disposal of the carpet and padding are essential to ensure a safe and sanitary living environment.

Assessing Structural Damage and Saturation Levels

Even with Category 1 water damage, certain factors may warrant carpet removal:

  • Saturation Level: If the carpet and padding are saturated beyond a certain point, drying equipment alone may not be sufficient to restore them fully. SERVPRO technicians use moisture meters and infrared cameras to assess moisture levels in carpets and underlying materials, guiding the decision-making process.
  • Structural Damage: Water damage can compromise the structural integrity of flooring materials, including subfloors and baseboards. If there are signs of structural damage or if moisture has seeped into these materials, removing the carpet may be necessary to prevent further damage and ensure thorough drying of the affected area.

Odor Control and Aesthetic Considerations

Even if drying equipment successfully removes moisture from the carpet, lingering odors from water damage can be challenging to eliminate. SERVPRO employs specialized techniques for odor control, but if odors persist despite drying efforts, replacing the carpet may be the most effective solution for restoring indoor air quality and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your home.

Consulting with SERVPRO Professionals

Ultimately, the decision to tear up or dry a carpet should be made in consultation with SERVPRO professionals who have the expertise and tools to assess the situation accurately. Our team provides comprehensive water damage assessment, customized restoration plans, and transparent guidance to help homeowners make informed decisions about their carpets and overall property restoration.

Conclusion: Trust SERVPRO for Expert Guidance

In conclusion, whether to tear up or dry a carpet depends on factors such as the extent of water damage, contamination level, structural integrity, and aesthetic considerations. SERVPRO's prompt response, advanced equipment, and expertise ensure that your home receives the best possible care during water damage restoration. Trust SERVPRO to guide you through the process with professionalism, transparency, and a commitment to restoring your home to its pre-damage condition.

Navigating Commercial Water Damage: SERVPRO's Crucial Role in Restoration

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

Commercial water loss in Medford. SERVPRO has access to hundreds of pieces of drying equipment.

Welcome to our unique exploration of commercial water damage and the pivotal role SERVPRO® plays in swiftly restoring businesses to their full potential. From office buildings to retail spaces, warehouses to restaurants, water damage can strike unexpectedly, disrupting operations and threatening livelihoods. Today, we delve into how SERVPRO's expertise, efficiency, and dedication help businesses bounce back stronger than ever.

Understanding Commercial Water Damage

Imagine walking into your office one morning to find a burst pipe has flooded the entire floor, damaging computers, documents, and furniture. Or perhaps you manage a restaurant and discover a leaky roof has caused water to seep into your dining area, forcing closure during peak hours. These scenarios aren't just inconveniences; they're potential disasters that can halt operations and tarnish reputations.

SERVPRO's Rapid Response

In times of crisis, rapid response is crucial. SERVPRO understands this urgency. With a network of highly trained professionals and state-of-the-art equipment, they mobilize quickly to assess the situation, mitigate further damage, and begin the restoration process. Their 24/7 availability means businesses can rely on them to be there whenever disaster strikes, minimizing downtime and preserving revenue streams.

Expertise in Action

No two water damage scenarios are alike. Whether it's dealing with clean water from a burst pipe or contaminated water from flooding, SERVPRO technicians are equipped with the knowledge and tools to handle each situation effectively. They employ advanced techniques such as moisture detection, water extraction, drying equipment, and specialized cleaning methods to ensure thorough restoration.

Minimizing Disruption

For businesses, downtime equals lost revenue and customer trust. SERVPRO understands the urgency of getting businesses back up and running as quickly as possible. Their efficient restoration process focuses not only on restoring physical spaces but also on minimizing disruption to daily operations. From coordinating with insurance companies to documenting the restoration progress, SERVPRO strives to streamline the entire recovery process for businesses.

Beyond Restoration: Building Resilience

Beyond restoring physical spaces, SERVPRO helps businesses build resilience. By addressing water damage promptly and comprehensively, they mitigate the risk of secondary issues such as mold growth and structural damage. Their proactive approach not only saves businesses money in the long run but also protects their reputation and ensures the safety of employees and customers.

The SERVPRO Difference

What sets SERVPRO apart is their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. They don't just clean up water; they restore peace of mind. Their transparent communication, attention to detail, and dedication to quality craftsmanship ensure that businesses can trust them with their most valuable assets—their properties and their livelihoods.


In the realm of commercial water damage, preparation and a swift response are paramount. SERVPRO stands as a beacon of reliability and expertise, guiding businesses through the murky waters of disaster recovery with compassion and professionalism. From emergency response to comprehensive restoration, they are not just restoring buildings; they are restoring hope and ensuring businesses emerge stronger than before.

Join us on this journey as we continue to explore how SERVPRO and their dedicated teams make a difference in the lives of businesses across communities, one restoration project at a time.

Stay tuned for more insights, tips, and stories of resilience in our upcoming blogs!

What to Do When Your Sump Pump Fails: A Guide to Managing Water Damage

6/24/2024 (Permalink)

A failed sump pump in a Medford basement It’s essential to contact water damage restoration professionals like SERVPRO for a thorough assessment and repairs.
 What to Do When Your Sump Pump Fails: A Guide to Managing Water Damage

A sump pump failure can quickly turn into a homeowner’s nightmare, especially during heavy rains or melting snow. When your sump pump stops working, it’s crucial to act swiftly to minimize water damage and restore a dry, safe environment in your home. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do when faced with a sump pump failure:

1. Assess the Situation: Upon discovering that your sump pump has failed, assess the extent of the water damage. Determine how much water has accumulated in the affected area and whether it is spreading to other parts of your home.

2. Safety First: Before taking any action, prioritize safety. Ensure that electricity to the affected area is turned off to avoid electrical hazards. If water levels are high or if the situation seems unsafe, consider evacuating the area until professional help arrives.

3. Check for Power Issues: Verify whether the sump pump failure is due to a power outage or a tripped breaker. If power is the issue, safely restore power to the sump pump and observe if it resumes operation. However, if the pump remains non-functional, proceed with other steps.

4. Remove Water: Use a wet/dry vacuum, submersible pump, or buckets to begin removing water from the affected area. Start with the highest concentration of water and work towards the sump pit or a floor drain to facilitate drainage.

5. Address Damp or Wet Materials: Remove any damp or wet items from the affected area to prevent further water damage and mold growth. This includes furniture, carpets, and other belongings that may have been exposed to water.

6. Dry Out the Area: Promote drying by using fans and dehumidifiers to reduce moisture levels in the air and on surfaces. Open windows and doors if weather permits to facilitate airflow and aid in the drying process.

7. Clean and Disinfect: After water removal, thoroughly clean and disinfect the affected area to prevent mold growth and bacterial contamination. Use a solution of water and mild detergent, followed by a disinfectant approved for use on water-damaged surfaces.

8. Contact Professionals for Assessment and Repairs: Even if you’ve managed to mitigate initial damage, it’s essential to contact water damage restoration professionals like SERVPRO® for a thorough assessment and repairs. They can inspect for hidden moisture, assess structural damage, and ensure proper restoration to prevent long-term issues like mold growth.

Preventing Future Sump Pump Failures:

  • Schedule regular maintenance for your sump pump, including cleaning and testing.
  • Consider installing a battery backup or water-powered backup sump pump to ensure operation during power outages.
  • Inspect and maintain the discharge pipe to ensure proper drainage away from your home’s foundation.


Experiencing a sump pump failure can be stressful, but knowing how to respond promptly can significantly minimize damage to your home and belongings. By following these steps and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can effectively manage water damage and restore your home to its preloss condition. At SERVPRO, we’re here to help with comprehensive water damage restoration services. Contact us today for expert assistance and peace of mind.

Trust SERVPRO for prompt and reliable water damage restoration services. Contact us immediately if you’ve experienced a sump pump failure—we’re here to help restore your home.

Beyond the Flood: SERVPRO®'s Gold Standard in Water Loss Demolition and Cleaning

5/6/2024 (Permalink)

Cleaning the studs with a Hepavaccuum At SERVPRO®, we pay careful attention to every detail, no matter how small, throughout the restoration process.

Greetings, homeowners and restoration enthusiasts! Today, we're rolling up our sleeves and diving deep into the world of water loss restoration with SERVPRO®, your trusted partner in cleanup and recovery. When it comes to turning chaos into clarity after a water-related disaster, our team has honed a set of best practices that ensure efficient, effective, and empathetic service every step of the way. Join us as we unveil the secrets behind SERVPRO®'s gold standard in demolition and cleaning for water losses.

1. Precision in Planning:

Before swinging the sledgehammer or busting out the mop, our skilled technicians begin with a meticulous plan of action. We assess the extent of the water damage, identify affected areas, and develop a tailored strategy to tackle each task with precision. By starting with a solid plan, we ensure that every move we make is purposeful and efficient, minimizing disruption and maximizing results.

2. Demolition Done Right:

When it comes to demolition, precision is paramount. Our team carefully removes damaged materials, such as drywall, flooring, and insulation, with surgical precision, ensuring that only the necessary elements are taken out while preserving the structural integrity of your home or business. From start to finish, safety is our top priority, and we adhere to industry best practices to minimize risks and hazards throughout the demolition process.

3. Thorough Cleaning, Every Time:

Once the demolition dust settles, it's time to roll up our sleeves and get down to the nitty-gritty of cleaning. From scrubbing surfaces to disinfecting affected areas, our team leaves no stone unturned when it comes to restoring your space to its preloss condition. We use industry-leading cleaning agents and techniques to eliminate mold, mildew, and other contaminants, ensuring a fresh and healthy environment for you and your loved ones.

4. Attention to Detail:

At SERVPRO®, we believe that it's the little things that make a big difference. That's why we pay careful attention to every detail, no matter how small, throughout the restoration process. From ensuring proper ventilation to meticulously documenting our progress, we leave no room for error and strive for excellence in everything we do.

5. Communication is Key:

Last but certainly not least, communication is the cornerstone of our approach to water loss restoration. We keep you informed every step of the way, providing clear updates on our progress, answering any questions or concerns you may have, and guiding you through the restoration process with compassion and care. Your peace of mind is our priority, and we're here to support you every step of the way.


When water wreaks havoc on your home or business, trust the experts at SERVPRO® to restore order from chaos with precision, professionalism, and compassion. From meticulous planning to thorough cleaning, our team goes above and beyond to deliver exceptional results, every time. So, breathe easy knowing that your space is in good hands with SERVPRO® by your side.

Until next time, stay dry, stay safe, and remember, when water strikes, SERVPRO® is here to help you weather the storm.

#SERVPRO #WaterRestoration #DemolitionAndCleaning #RestorationExperts


How does SERVPRO® check for water damage in local residences.

5/2/2024 (Permalink)

Using a moisture meter at a Medford residence. SERVPRO technicians use moisture meters to detect hidden moisture within building.

SERVPRO employs a variety of methods to check for water damage in local residences. Here are some common techniques they might use:

  1. Visual Inspection: Trained SERVPRO technicians will conduct a thorough visual inspection of the property, looking for signs of water damage such as stains, discoloration, peeling paint, or warped surfaces. They'll examine walls, ceilings, floors, and other susceptible areas to identify any visible indicators of water intrusion.

  2. Moisture Meters: SERVPRO technicians use moisture meters to detect hidden moisture within building materials such as drywall, wood, and insulation. These devices measure the moisture content of materials, allowing technicians to pinpoint areas that may be affected by water damage even if they appear dry on the surface.

  3. Infrared Cameras: Infrared cameras are another valuable tool used by SERVPRO to identify hidden moisture. These cameras detect temperature differences in building materials, revealing areas of moisture that may not be visible to the naked eye. By capturing thermal images of the property, technicians can quickly locate moisture issues behind walls, under floors, or above ceilings.

  4. Thermal Imaging: Similar to infrared cameras, thermal imaging technology helps SERVPRO technicians identify areas of moisture by detecting temperature variations in building materials. This non-invasive method allows technicians to assess the extent of water damage without the need for destructive testing.

  5. Air and Surface Sampling: In some cases, SERVPRO may conduct air and surface sampling to test for the presence of mold or other contaminants associated with water damage. Samples collected from affected areas are analyzed in a laboratory to determine the extent of microbial growth and identify any potential health hazards.

Overall, SERVPRO utilizes a combination of visual inspections and advanced detection technologies to thoroughly assess properties for water damage. By identifying and addressing water intrusion issues promptly, they can mitigate damage and restore homes to their preloss condition efficiently.


When is Demo neccessary for a water damage loss?

8/23/2023 (Permalink)

Water Damage Demo When is Demolition necessary for water damage losses?

SERVPRO specializes in disaster recovery and restoration, including water damage restoration. "Demo" in this context refers to demolition or the removal of damaged materials as part of the water damage restoration process. Demo is necessary for a water loss in various situations to effectively mitigate damage and restore the affected property. Here are some common scenarios where demo might be necessary:

  1. Severe Water Damage: In cases of extensive water intrusion, such as flooding or burst pipes, materials like drywall, insulation, and flooring can become saturated and damaged beyond repair. Demo may be required to remove these materials to allow for proper drying and prevent mold growth.

  2. Structural Integrity Concerns: Water can weaken the structural integrity of building materials. If structural components like beams, columns, or load-bearing walls have been compromised by water damage, they might need to be assessed and potentially replaced after demo.

  3. Mold Growth: If water damage is not addressed promptly, it can lead to mold growth. Mold can penetrate porous materials like drywall and insulation. In cases of significant mold infestation, affected materials might need to be removed through demo to eliminate the source of contamination.

  4. Contaminated Water: If the water that caused the damage is contaminated, such as sewage backup or water containing hazardous substances, demo might be necessary to remove and dispose of affected materials safely to prevent health risks.

  5. Preventing Secondary Damage: Water can wick up walls, seep into subfloors, and travel to hidden areas. If moisture is trapped within wall cavities or under flooring, it can lead to hidden mold growth and long-term damage. Demo can be necessary to access these areas for proper drying and restoration.

  6. Odor Removal: Water damage can lead to persistent musty odors, especially if moisture is trapped in materials. Removing and replacing affected materials through demo can help eliminate these odors.

  7. Insurance Requirements: Some insurance policies might require the removal of damaged materials as part of the restoration process. Demo can also provide clearer evidence of the extent of damage for insurance claims.

  8. Aesthetic Considerations: Even if materials are salvageable, some property owners might choose to undergo demo to upgrade or renovate affected areas after water damage, especially if they were already planning renovations.

It's important to note that not all instances of water damage will require extensive demo. Professional assessment is crucial to determine the appropriate course of action. Trained water damage restoration specialists, like those from SERVPRO, can evaluate the extent of the damage, the potential for restoration, and the need for demolition to ensure that the restoration process is effective and efficient.

Typical Restoration needs for the month of May

5/1/2023 (Permalink)

May Resoration Typical Restoration needs for the month of May

SERVPRO offers a range of restoration services, including those that are specifically tailored to the month of May. May is a month that often brings severe weather events such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, and flooding, which can cause significant damage to homes and businesses.

SERVPRO's May restoration services may include:

  1. Storm damage restoration: If your property has been damaged by severe weather, SERVPRO can help. They have the expertise and equipment to restore your property to its pre-damage condition quickly and efficiently.

  2. Water damage restoration: Spring showers can sometimes result in flooding, which can cause water damage to your property. SERVPRO's water damage restoration services can help extract standing water, dry out the affected areas, and prevent mold growth.

  3. Mold remediation: Moisture from spring rains can create the perfect conditions for mold growth. SERVPRO can provide mold remediation services to ensure that any mold present in your property is safely removed and the affected areas are properly cleaned and sanitized.

  4. Fire damage restoration: May is also National Electrical Safety Month, and faulty electrical wiring can cause fires. SERVPRO's fire damage restoration services can help with the cleanup and restoration of your property after a fire.

SERVPRO's May restoration services can help you recover from damage caused by severe weather and other disasters. They are available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and provide you with the support you need to get back to normal as soon as possible.


Water Removal and Drying to Mitigate Damage in Medford

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

tech on a forklift at shop Our IICRC-trained SERVPRO technicians provide excellent water damage mitigation for our Medford neighbors.

SERVPRO Water Damage Assistance Gets Medford Residents' Results

Water damage events are distressing, whether your dishwasher leaked, water went under the cabinetry, or you have a flood in your basement or first floor. This frustration multiplies if you have a hidden water leak decaying materials over time. The good news is that hiring skilled water restoration technicians (WRT) can get you the safe, efficient results you need to bring your property back to a pre-water emergency condition. SERVPRO knows that water damage impacts more than surfaces and contents. We know how to get in, target all moisture-laden areas, and stop mold, mildew growth, and secondary damage in their tracks. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

When hiring someone to help with water damage in Medford, you need 24-hour availability. SERVPRO is here 24 hours a day, seven days a week – including weekends and holidays! We have teams standing by to deploy as needed to assist home and business owners with water removal services, damage repair, and thorough disinfection.

  • Our Green Fleet comes stocked with extractors, pumps, structural drying equipment, and EPA-registered cleaning agents.
  • We work to restore versus replace to help save you time and money on your overall restoration project.
  • All your paperwork is carefully filled out about your water recovery project, so you have the correct documentation for your insurance claim.
  • Each of our projects gets the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned seal of approval before signing off.

We have the Equipment and Tools for Water Restorations

Our team utilizes a range of professional water mitigation and restoration tools. We strategically place all our equipment in water-affected areas to help maximize drying while all standing water gets removed. Some of the techniques and tools that we may use during your residential or commercial project include:

  • Water extraction and pumping tools to pull up pooled water
  • Open windows (weather permitting) to increase natural air circulation 
  • Industrial fans and air moving devices
  • Refrigerant and desiccant dehumidifiers

What if it Looks Like I have Old Water Damage?

Older water damage presents differently than newer ones. There are some instances where damage may look older. But is it just a surface indicator that something deeper and more devastating could happen beneath your building materials? Signs to look for that tell you if you are dealing with older or newer damage include:

  • Decay developing around the damaged area indicates that the issue has been there for quite some time.
  • There may be visible rings around spots and stains on walls or ceilings. The damage is usually new if you see a spot without any rings. If there are several rings in different shades, it is an indication that the area has been soaked and re-soaked many times.

Response Times Matter – We are Available 24/7

When you make initial contact with our customer care center, you will initiate the mobilization of a team of our IICRC-certified technicians at your door in four hours or less. We understand water damage events are stressful, so our caring staff guides you through the process, asking questions so that we can fill our Green Fleet with all the right equipment for the job. Some of the questions we ask to help facilitate the formation of your water restoration project include:

  • Name, contact information, and the address of your home or business requiring water restoration
  • If applicable, the name of your insurance provider
  • Details on the damage or flooding when it occurred
  • Information telling us what brought on the water intrusion event
  • Whether or not you have working electricity

Let SERVPRO of Medford/Everett handle all your water restoration needs! Call us at (781) 395-4444 or request help online. We will make it “Like it never even happened.”

Mitigate Household Damage with Effective Water Cleanup in Medford

8/23/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO water damage sign Water damage restoration is no easy task. Call SERVPRO for fast and immediate service for your home.

Quality Water Cleanup Helps Medford Residents

When cleaning up water-related issues in Medford, getting the job done right the first time is key. Otherwise, your home and its contents could suffer further damage, costing you more time and money. Stains, mold, dry rot, and other forms of deterioration might cause even more damage. With that said, firms like SERVPRO can help you avoid these potential problems.

SERVPRO is one of Medford’s top water cleanup services. As such, our water damage remediation technicians are among the most highly trained in providing extensive water removal services, like those necessary in basement flooding situations and water damage repairs. A few of the steps SERVPRO takes to mitigate the harmful effects of water-related events are:

  • Rapidly removing any standing water with powerful wet vacs and extractors, if needed, in order to limit the amount of time water is in contact with materials and airborne moisture
  • Blocking household furnishings and appliances or moving contents that may transfer stains or be prone to secondary damage
  • Attempting to remove stains from furniture before it dries, tenting cushions to facilitate drying, and taking preventative measures like putting masking tape along zippers and other metallic elements to limit rust staining of upholstery 
  • Caring for carpet and subflooring appropriately by extracting water from it, properly removing padding when necessary, treating carpeting with professional cleaning products, and employing innovative drying techniques when needed
  • Establishing a balanced drying system, with the right number of air movers and dehumidifiers arranged at 45-degree angles, facing the walls
  • Expertly monitoring the drying process with periodic moisture readings, diagrams, and charts

In all of these ways, your neighborhood SERVPRO of Medford/Everett can help you with water cleanup and restoration. So, whenever you need our assistance, don’t hesitate to call us at (781) 395-4444.

Homeowners with Water Damage in Everett Need Expert Help to Save Flooring Materials

6/10/2022 (Permalink)

leaking pipe Water damage restoration for your Everett home can be a hassle. Call SERVPRO for the help and experience you need for your home.

SERVPRO Water Damage Restoration Experts are Key in Water Cleanup and Remediation Efforts

It is common for homeowners in Everett to face water damage thanks to leaking pipes and even human error. The water event can derail your day as you search for the best solution to restore your property and salvage as much as you can. Investing time and resources into protecting your home is reasonable, but you want to ensure you are efficient and focused on yielding the best results. 

Calling a water damage restoration team in Everett is as easy as dialing SERVPRO’s 24/7 hotline. Our staff is ready to use the latest tools and technology available for water extraction, cleanup, and drying, focusing on restoring your home to normal as soon as possible. After the water source is under control, we address standing water and protect your home from secondary damage. Pumps of various types, such as submersible, truck-mounted, and handheld, help us remove standing water and set the stage for more targeted steps.

Flooring requires specific attention, and its nature determines what we do next. Carpets suffering water damage often require full removal, thanks to their porous nature. Carpet padding and its top layer can become a breeding ground for mold and bacteria, so that a full replacement can be the best option. For hardwood and tile flooring, we pay close attention to the following-

  • Buckling and cupping happen when water expands wood flanks and alters their attachment to walls and to each other. Careful control of humidity levels and specialized drying solutions may help preserve them.
  • Delamination is typical of engineered wood and happens when layers of flooring detach from each other.
  • Detachment may happen when subfloors get wet, and tools such as drying mats can help restore normal conditions.

SERVPRO of Medford/Everett is at your service when water strikes. Call us at (781) 395-4444 and invite us to work for you until your home looks and feels “Like it never even happened.”

Where Should Air Movers Go During Medford Water Restoration?

4/25/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO here to help sign SERVPRO water damage restoration specialists have all the training and experience needed for every size disaster. We are here to help 24/7 365 days.

Proper Drying Tool Positioning is Important for Water Restoration in Medford Homes

One of our inventory's most powerful and effective drying tools is the high-velocity air mover. With hundreds of these implements in our supply, we can provide effective drying solutions for structures of all sizes.

The Versatility of Air Movers

Water restoration in Medford homes hinges on effective equipment. In most cases, units like our air movers are capable of addressing varying types of surface moisture concerns. We have several types of air movers:

  • Centrifugal - high-velocity units ideal for focused blasts on portions of wet surfaces. 
  • Low-Profile - centrifugal air movers are capable of reaching under fixtures, cabinets, and through flood-cut openings.
  • Axial - broader air delivery for impacting greater surface areas of moist building materials. 

Structural Cavity Drying

Low-profile units are the preferred method of infusing warm blasts of air into structural cavities where moisture or standing water are a concern. Flood cuts made to remove damaged portions of drywall and baseboard at the lower sections of wall systems provide the appropriate openings to these cavities for centrifugal air movers to impact evaporation.

Limited Power Solutions

Yet another advantage to our professionals choosing air movers to help with the evaporation and restoration needs of the household is the capabilities of linking them together. Available power can be a challenge after water or flood damage, and our portable generators and trailered units are often the epicenter of available electricity for early restoration efforts. More can be done in this effort by daisy-chaining multiple air movers together to limit the needed 110V outlets.

Unlike any other tool or machine used for water restoration and recovery efforts in homes and businesses, the air mover is among the most versatile and readily used. We rely on the capabilities of these powerful units to manage efficient evaporation. Get capable professionals and equipment to your home fast after water emergencies by calling SERVPRO of Medford / Everett at (781) 395-4444.

SERVPRO Offers Premier Water Cleanup in Medford

3/10/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Equipment Drying Floor SERVPRO is prepared with restoration equipment and experienced technicians

What Makes SERVPRO One Of The Most Efficient Water Cleanup Companies In Medford?

While it is true that water cleanup from your Medford home requires professional equipment, it is equally important that the restorers know how to use them efficiently. SERVPRO spends a lot of time and resources to train restorers so that the equipment can produce the best possible results. 

SERVPRO techs pay close attention to every operation parameter of each equipment they use during water cleanup in Medford properties. A lot of thought is given, for instance, to decide the placement of the drying and dehumidifying equipment.    

Positioning Air Movers And Dehumidifiers During Water Damage Repairs In Medford Homes 

Air movers and dehumidifiers are two of the most important pieces of equipment to speed up the drying process of your water-damaged Medford home. SERVPRO techs consider various factors to decide the best positions to place these pieces of equipment.  

  • Positioning air movers: Techs calculate the number of air mover units required to create a vortex of circular airflow around the walls. The vortex is maintained by air movers positioned close to each wall (almost touching) and at an angle (15° angle for axial fans; 45° angle for centrifugal air movers).
  • Positioning dehumidifiers: Ideally, the SERVPRO techs put at least one dehumidifier in each room where water intrusion occurs. Techs can even strategically direct the exhaust of any of the dehumidifiers towards wet materials such as saturated cabinets or wet hardwood flooring to speed up drying. 

How Do SERVPRO Techs Handle Power Distribution To All Drying Equipment?

Some buildings may not provide enough circuits to run the required air movers and dehumidifiers. In those situations, SERVPRO techs use power distribution boxes to convert an existing 240-volt circuit into 120-volt circuits.

Call SERVPRO of Medford / Everett at (781) 395-4444; we are available 24/7.

Water Mitigation and Scoping for Medford Property Owners

1/24/2022 (Permalink)

Water soaked carpet Don't delay once you realize there is water damage, Call SERVPRO at (781)-395-4444

SERVPRO Follows Detailed Water Mitigation Steps for Best Results in Medford

Grabbing a mop and bucket for a minuscule spill works most of the time. However, larger spills and unique circumstances call for professional restoration efforts. SERVPRO is here for water removal services, but we also follow mitigation planning to help shorten the time and cost involved in your project. There is a reason why we say we can make it, “Like it never even happened.”

In Medford, part of water mitigation will be scoping your property to help us determine the right course of action. We want to ensure our customers feel at ease, including explanations of the work and how we address all contents and your structure. Some of our mitigation efforts for water cleanup services include:

  • Putting containment barriers in place to keep water from migrating into unaffected areas.
  • Determining the category of water – is it clean or contaminated?
  • Beginning water removal services with powerful pumps and extractors to pull up standing water.
  • Setting up drying equipment and dehumidifiers to address relative humidity (RH).
  • Acknowledging any possible safety hazards.
  • Using moisture detection tools to ensure nothing gets left behind. 

Why is Water Mitigation Important?

Before any property can get restored, you have to mitigate the damage. While mitigation focuses on extraction, there is also the need to handle any leftover moisture that could bring secondary damage or the development of black mold. SERVPRO is your one-stop team for all of your assessment, mitigation, extraction, drying, and restoration needs. We tailor each project to the customer and property to get the best, most affordable result. 

There is nothing like the water mitigation and restoration efforts you will experience when hiring SERVPRO of Medford/Everett. Request assistance online or give us a call at (781) 395-4444, and someone can set up your service and deploy our Green Fleet to your door. Let us make it Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

What Issues Does Water Damage Restoration Address in Everett Properties?

1/16/2022 (Permalink)

Pipe burst Water damage restoration services by SERVPRO are top-notch. We will be on-site within 4 hours of the initial call.

Assistance From Ensures Water Restoration Fixes Major and Minor Damages

Your property can flood with water for various reasons, including a roof leak, burst pipe, window leak, or faulty appliance releasing water suddenly or over an extended period. Taking the appropriate water damage restoration steps can help control the situation.

Apart from the inconveniences of an inundated property, water causes many other problems. Water damage restoration helps Everett homeowners address these problems restoring preloss conditions. You might require assistance from a professional such as SERVPRO to realize the best outcome.

Some of the problems water restoration can address include:

  • Drying wet structural materials and contents
  • Fixing temporary wood deformation
  • Removing stains and blemishes
  • Eliminating odors

Although reversing all problems caused by water exposure is not achievable through extraction alone, water restoration takes care of several problems differently. Our SERVPRO technicians inspect your property and establish which materials can be restored through drying. Floor materials like carpets and wooden floorboards can be saved through timely water removal and drying. Drying is also essential when dealing with upholstery. Other materials such as insulation, pads, and soggy sheetrock are unsalvageable, and removal is the only option.

Water causes physical changes in materials, such as swelling in wood. Furniture, floorboards, and structural supports are vulnerable to this problem.  If managed properly and in good time, it is possible to avoid permanent damage. Our SERVPRO technicians have the specialized skills to handle such restoration. 

Various procedures help restore swollen wood, including:

  • Using drying chambers for controlled drying
  • Removing some planks if the wood is packed tightly
  • Sanding away imperfections after drying 

SERVPRO of Medford / Everett is used to handle water damage restoration exercises, thus addressing any moisture-related issue in a property, "Like it never even happened." Call us at (781) 395-4444.

What Do Quality Everett Water Restoration Companies Like SERVPRO Do?

10/12/2021 (Permalink)

water covering the tile floor in a house Water damage can quickly catch you off guard. Contact SERVPRO for water damage restoration after an event in your home. We are standing by 24/7.

They Perform Various Water Restoration Services to Remediate Your Everett Home.

When a water-related event impacts your home, it may require any of a number of emergency water damage services. These could range from basic cleanup efforts to extensive structural repairs and reconstructions.

Your neighborhood SERVPRO has a team of professionals trained to perform nearly every remediation task imaginable. A brief listing of their Everett water restoration offerings includes:

  • Water removal services
  • Basement flooding cleanup
  • Repairs of burst pipes and ceiling leaks
  • Water damage repairs
  • Home interior drying
  • Mold removal and home deodorization

Whatever kind of water damage your residence suffers, our highly skilled and experienced technicians are likely able to clean up. Moreover, they can often restore your home to its pre-water event state much faster than other remediation companies, which saves you both time and money in the long run.

With all that said, whenever water damages your residence and you require damage cleanup and water restoration services, know that help is available nearby. Call SERVPRO of Medford/Everett at (781) 395-4444 for assistance.

Everett Homeowners Rely on SERVPRO for Effective Water Mitigation of Their Homes  

8/14/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo Water damage restoratio0n services by SERVPRO are second to none. Our IICRC certified technicians are ready at a moment's notice.

Water Mitigation Must be Done Promptly in Everett Homes

Water mitigation of your Everett home involves multiple steps that ensure no secondary damage occurs to the building. If the process is not done correctly, your home can face long-term issues that can be costlier to repair. SERVPRO can help you prevent this from happening by offering a fast, multi-faceted water damage restoration.  

What makes SERVPRO so efficient in the water mitigation of Everett homes is our scientific approach to the process. Our IICRC certified experts use meticulous planning during water damage restoration. SERVPRO experts use state-of-the-art equipment to dry the structure and contents as soon as possible to minimize the exposure time of moisture. 

Why is it Difficult to Dry Some Materials in Your Everett Home During Water Cleanup Than Others? 

Porous materials such as carpets and gypsum boards (drywall) have a high permeability to water. Such materials in your Everett home are notoriously difficult to dry. SERVPRO techs need to modify the temperature and humidity conditions to get such materials to dry quickly. 

On the other hand, vapor barriers, such as vinyl wallpaper, gloss, and semi-gloss paints, are practically impermeable to moisture. Consequently, they can't hold much moisture and dry quickly.   

When SERVPRO techs prepare a water mitigation plan, they consider how different material in your home interacts with water. Various dehumidifying and air-moving equipment are placed strategically to enhance the evaporation rate from multiple surfaces. 

Call SERVPRO of Medford / Everett at (781) 395-4444; our experts are available round the clock for consultation. 

Why Should Property Owners Hire Professionals to Handle Water Damage Restoration in Everett?

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

lgr dehumidifier Homeowners rely on SERVPRO for water damage mitigation for their Everett homes. We have advanced equipment like this LGR dehumidifier

Certified Restorers Like SERVPRO Have Expertise in Performing Water Damage Mitigation

Water intrusion in buildings is destructive. After some hours, excessive moisture can cause mold growth or other issues within indoor environments. Without correct water removal, drying and decontamination, many long-term effects can occur in a house, leading to exacerbated damage and possible health effects.

SERVPRO takes any kind of water ingress seriously. Efficient water damage restoration in Everett is an essential part of recovery when a business or home is affected. The intervention needs to be effective and prompt. Acting within the first 24 to 48 hours is essential to reduce the potential long-and short-term effects of water intrusion.

Water damage mitigation involves more than cleaning and drying a property. Our SERVPRO team considers many other factors such as:

  • Determining the severity of property damage
  • Treating porous materials like drywall and carpet
  • Decontamination affected materials
  • Evaluating replacement versus restoration expenses

Water damage repair should be carried out as fast and as efficiently as possible. When water sits in a property for lengthy periods, the risk of damage to contents and microbial growth increases. Dry air is vital when it comes to drying damp materials. When an airspace is dry, the amount of water vapor in the air is lower. Our SERVPRO team can reduce humidity by ventilation and dehumidification. We can use refrigerant (LGR) dehumidifiers to dry your property. These tools are energy efficient, and they minimize the relative humidity in the air.

Water damage, when more than just a simple spill, is a severe threat to your home, and if you do not handle it, it can lead to problems. After such an incident, call SERVPRO of Medford / Everett at (781) 395-4444 for efficient recovery. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Can Professional Restorers for Water Damage Restoration in Medford Assist After a Small Water Leak?

6/11/2021 (Permalink)

A man on the phone with a blue water bucket catching falling water. SERVPRO of Medford / Everett understands the stress involved when you experience a water damage. Call us today.

A Small Water Leak Can Cause Costly Damages If Water Damage Restoration in Medford Is Not Handled Properly

Water damage can strike without warning, wreaking havoc on your home. If the excess water is not treated, it may pose a health risk and cause structural harm. To save both money and worry, immediate action by involving professional restorers like SERVPRO immediately.

Common causes of water damage

  • Most water damage cases are caused by:
  • Faulty appliances such as washing machine and dishwasher
  • Broken water pipes
  • Poor drainage

SERVPRO restorers respond fast to our customers' emergency calls and effectively restore water damage restoration in Medford homes. We act fast since we are aware of how fast the secondary damages spread. 

During our restoration process, we concentrate more on structural drying. The drying process is a must to prevent mold growth. We use state-of-the-art equipment that helps us dry even the hard-to-reach areas and speed up the process. 

Even after a thorough cleaning, and drying of the affected property, we inspect the affected area to ensure your property is safe to occupy. Our experts can use a non-penetrating moisture meter to detect moisture. The device is useful in detecting moisture in materials such as drywall and plaster. The equipment reads deep into materials and surfaces.

Do not let water damage cause irreversible damages to your property. Contact SERVPRO of Medford / Everett at (781) 395-4444. Our technicians can help restore your property to its preloss condition in a temporary period, “Like it never even happened.” 

Assessing Moisture in a West Medford Home Requires SERVPRO’s Specialized Equipment

5/21/2021 (Permalink)

Water on floor When water takes over your home, call in our IICRC certified technicians for water removal services.

Water Damage in a West Medford Home can Leave Water Residue Undetected.

SERVPRO provides water damage emergency services in West Medford to assist homeowners in assessing and combating the unpleasant consequences of a burst pipe, ceiling leak, or sewer backup. By being available 24/7, we provide timely services focused on water removal and extraction, essential to an effective water damage restoration process.

Water cleanup in a West Medford home goes well beyond soaking up standing water. To be effective, water restoration technicians must use industry-grade equipment to extract water from each affected surface and restore humidity levels appropriate to each material. SERVPRO performs water removal services based on data our staff collects by using professional detection and monitoring devices. Examples of these tools include-

  • Moisture sensors, which help us probe soft materials and determine the depth of the water damage. 
  • Moisture meters help us determine the actual humidity level in each material and can be adjusted to reflect the differences between surfaces being tested as moisture will vary accordingly.
  • Thermo-hygrometers measure both temperature and humidity and take into account the air conditions in the room.

Drying a home effectively is not a simple process. At SERVPRO of Medford/Everett, we work based on evidence and use specific tools to collect actionable data. Call us at (781) 395-4444 and let us take care of your home when disaster strikes.

What Water Restoration Technique Can Save The Hardwood Floor in My Everett Home?

4/28/2021 (Permalink)

drying mats working on a hardwood floor with yellow hoses Water damage restoration is only complete when drying equipment like these injecti-dry systems achieve standard moisture content in your Everett home

SERVPRO Applies Regular and Advanced Water Clean-Up Techniques in Everett Properties

Wood is a semi-porous material, so extended water exposure is detrimental to hardwood floors. Even sealing does not eliminate the chances of swelling, warping, or rotting when the floor surface is submerged. By using the appropriate water damage remediation techniques, it is possible to save your floor.

The most urgent water restoration task in Everett homes is the evacuation of the water covering your wooden floors. With a powerful water extractor, you can finish this in a matter of minutes. Our SERVPRO technicians use several types of water extractors, including portable and truck-mounted ones.

Tricks of the trade for successful drying

Drying the wet floor is the other aspect of the water clean-up process. Unlike extraction, drying is a challenging process because the chosen method must remove the moisture trapped deep within the wooden planks. Using dehumidifiers and air movers is rarely sufficient. Our SERVPRO technicians can use drying mats to extract water vapor from the wooden planks. We use one extractor and several mats interlinked with hoses to cover a vast section of the floor. Our teams handle specialized as well as regular water loss situations like:

  • Emergency services water damage
  • Burst pipes
  • Ceiling leaks

SERVPRO of Medford / Everett has the resources you need for any task. Call us at (781) 395-4444 whenever you need help.

Emergency Services Water Cleanup in Medford

4/13/2021 (Permalink)

drying mats on hardwoods SERVPRO deploys drying mats on hardwood floors to protect Medford homes from water damage during our water cleanup service

Do you need water cleanup after a pipe burst in your Medford Home?

A sudden break in a water pipe can distribute a lot of water into your home, even if you manage to turn off the main water valve to your residence. Leaking hoses connecting to appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines are common sources of water leaks and can deliver hundreds of gallons of water onto floors and inside cavities.

Fast response by SERVPRO providing water clean up in your Medford home can avoid permanent damage to flooring materials. Particleboard subfloors can swell, causing tile floors to crack, and hardwood floors can also swell, leading to uneven floors. Water left inside cavities or under carpets can lead to mold growth in as little as 24 hours.

Call SERVPRO for help with water removal services:

  • We respond in four hours or less
  • Weighted water extractors are used on carpets
  • We use drying mats on hardwood floors
  • Vacuum wands are used to draw water from cavities
  • Air movers and dehumidifiers dry your home and return humidity to normal levels.

We can also assist with water damage repairs and restoration of wall materials such as drywall, painting, and more.

Call SERVPRO of Medford / Everett for water cleanup services in Medford and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (781) 395-4444.

Water Damage Remediation When You Need It in Medford

3/27/2021 (Permalink)

peeling paint on wall from moisture Medford property owners rely on SERVPRO for water damage restoration and repair--from peeling paint to floor replacement.

SERVPRO offers Medford residents peace of mind with rapid water damage repairs

Medford, Massachusetts, is a city located to the northwest of the state capital of Boston. Nestled in Middlesex County along the Mystic River, Medford is known for being home to Tufts University.

Taking a trip back into history, Medford was initially settled as part of Charlestown in 1630 and originally called 'Mistick.' It was not until years later that it took on the name 'Meadford,' then shortened to Medford for the final naming in 1754.

Medford - Home to Fannie Farmer and More!

A unique, little-known fact is that Medford was the original home to Fannie Farmer, the author of one of the more famous cookbooks globally. Additionally, James Plimpton comes from Medford – the gentleman known for inventing the four-wheeled roller-skate back in 1863. In 1925, Amelia Earhart also lived in Medford for a short time while enjoying employment as a social worker.

While many people think of major cities like Boston or Worcester when they hear Massachusetts, it is essential to know that many areas of the state are a must-see. Medford happens to be one location that is a lovely, upcoming tourist spot well worth visiting. There are plenty of unique things to see and do, just right for a day trip or a mini-vacation to find some of the local hidden gems.

Some of the top attractions to check out when you are in Medford include:

  • Tufts University Art Gallery – This destination on Talbot Avenue is a perfect stop for a day trip. You will find a wildly diverse and eclectic selection of art and exhibits that change regularly, including everything from electronics and couture pieces to photographs and touring exhibitions.
  • Royall House and Slave Quarters – Located on George Street, this fantastic property features regular tours where you can learn more about the home's history and harrowing stories of the people once enslaved at the site.
  • Wright's Tower – If you park along South Border Road, you will find a hiking path that will bring you up to the tower, where you get a glimpse of incredible views of the surrounding landscape, including a nice glimpse of Boston.

If you are looking to grab a bite to eat or a bar to relax in as you spend time in Medford, some of the best places include:

  • Giulia
  • Highland Kitchen
  • Boston Burger Company
  • Blue Fuji
  • Semolina Kitchen & Bar
  • Bocelli's
  • Salvatore's Restaurant
  • Latina Kitchen & Bar

Standing Water Lingering in Your Medford Home Causes Immense Secondary Water Damage

Rather than waiting to tackle water damage remediation on your own with DIY methods, you need skilled emergency services water damage assistance. SERVPRO is here 24/7 to address any standing water you have in your Medford home after a flood, burst pipe, or faulty appliance leak.

It is essential we address several things when handling water damage in Medford, including:

  • Rapid surface water removal
  • Mitigating the damage by reducing saturation
  • Keeping water from migrating into dry zones

To keep the damage from worsening, we use the latest technology to find hidden moisture, including:

  • Moisture sensors
  • Moisture meters
  • Thermo-hygrometers
  • Borescopes

SERVPRO of Medford/Everett is available for emergency water damage service. Call us at (781) 395-4444.

Cleaning Up After a Water Sewer Backup in a Medford Home Is a Job for SERVPRO

3/21/2021 (Permalink)

ceiling leak showing water stains Whether from a sewage blockage or a ceiling leak--SERVPRO is your go-to company in Medford for water damager restoration services

SERVPRO Counts on Our Certified Water Restoration Technicians to Perform Water Damage Repairs for the Medford Communit

When water is leaking in a Medford home, the damage can escalate quickly. If the incident involves water from a sewage line, the situation can worsen significantly. For water damage, and especially sewage cleanup, it is not enough to dry the space with whatever tools you have at hand. Calling a professional water cleanup and restoration service like SERVPRO is your best line of defense.

For Medford homeowners, water damage remediation following burst pipes can be delegated to SERVPRO based on our industry knowledge and expertise. Our staff understands that cleaning black or gray water (containing contaminants) requires a specific set of tools and measures to protect the home and the people in it. Throughout the process of water damage restoration, we keep in mind the following tenets-

  • Safety is a priority. Our staff wears appropriate personal protective equipment and posts signage as needed. If necessary, we establish a safe working environment and block containment areas to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Disinfecting is essential. Our SERVPRO crew sprays EPA-approved disinfectant solutions directly on affected surfaces. For the porous contents of your home that need to be discarded, our staff takes care of removing them according to local safety regulations.

When you call SERVPRO of Medford/Everett at (781) 395-4444, you enlist the premier water and fire damage restoration company's help in the area. We do our best to leave our clients feeling “Like it never even happened.”

It's the Water You Don't See!

12/9/2019 (Permalink)

Thermohygrometer - one of the many tools we use.

Even small water damages have the potential to cause serious structural and indoor air quality issues over time. The key to avoiding costly future restoration is to handle every water problem as a real threat to your property. SERVPRO® of Medford/Everett has the equipment, training and experience to find and dry unseen water before secondary damages occur. The proper equipment makes a measurable difference in reducing the damage expense during a fire or water loss. When time matters, technology and equipment must be counted on to perform. SERVPRO® of Medford/Everett will answer your call with fast action and a full arsenal of drying equipment.

Here are a few of the tools used by SERVPRO® of Medford/Everett:

  • Moisture Sensors are used to detect moisture in carpets, baseboards and walls.
  • Moisture Meters are used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials. The moisture tester provides accurate readings, allowing SERVPRO® of Medford/Everett to monitor the drying process.
  • Thermohygrometers measure temperature and relative humidity. When armed with this information, SERVPRO® of Medford/Everett can calculate and create an environment most conducive to drying. When facing a contaminated water loss, it is not only important to dry the structure, but the structure must also be disinfected and often deodorized.
  • Ultra Low-Volume (ULV) Foggers will atomize liquid deodorizing agents, producing a fine mist that can easily penetrate the site where odor-causing residues may accumulate. This device can also be used to inject fungicides and disinfectants into wall cavities and other hard-to-reach areas.
  • Thermal Foggers dispense solvent based products by creating a dense fog. The fog consists of tiny particles of deodorant solution that attach to and neutralize odor causing particles to deodorize structures, garments, automobiles and other places where cleaning cannot reach.

The bottom line? SERVPRO® of Medford/Everett has the training and equipment to make it “Like it never even happened.”

The Science of Drying

12/9/2019 (Permalink)

Psychrometric Charts includes vertical lines that represent the dry bulb temperatures. Air temperature increases from left to right.

Did you know there is actually a science behind the process of drying?  Having the knowledge of psychometrics is essential to restoring a water damaged structure to its preloss condition.  While your initial reaction may be to grab a few towels to mop up the mess and place a fan or two around the damaged area, SERVPRO of Medford/Everett are trained in the science of drying and follow strict industry-approved stands to help lower the chances of any secondary damaged.  If your business or home suffers a water damage, SERVPRO of Medford/Everett will:

  • Inspect the building or home to detect every component that is wet to help prevent secondary damage from happening.
  • Measure how much moisture is in wet materials and monitor whether the materials are drying properly.
  • Speed up Mother Nature by using profession drying equipment.

What exactly does it mean to help “speed up Mother Nature”? A wet building or home can often dry naturally because the environment always seeks equilibrium.  When materials are wet, moisture will naturally move to drier air at the surface of the material – but only if the air is drier.  The only problem is, nature often takes too long and secondary damages may occur while the building or home is drying out.

SERPVRO of Medford/Everett have the tools and equipment to help Mother Nature along, including equipment to help dry hardwood floors, tough-to-reach spaces inside walls and much more.  We also use state of the art monitoring equipment and a proven scientific process to help speed the drying of your home or business.

It’s not only the equipment but the technology too! SERVPRO has developed a DryBook, a proprietary tool that provides real-time documentation and updates on the drying process and helps ensure industry trying requirements are met.  With DryBook Mobile, you have the ability to know exactly where your property is in the drying process.

SERVPRO of Medford/Everett has the professional training and equipment to help make water damage “Like it never even happened.” has the professional training and equipment to help make water damage “Like it never even happened.”

Why do my Pipes Make Those Noises?

12/9/2019 (Permalink)

What is that noise?

We all know the noises our home makes. That cracking when it is quiet, the sound of someone walking around in the attic or the quiet drip of the shower even hours after it has been used. Our homes all have a set of familiar noises! However, not all those sounds can be good for your home or your wallet! Especially, the sounds coming from your water pipes may be a warning. While a whistling faucet may simply require a new washer to quiet down, if you have a hissing, whistling sound in multiple fixtures and a hammering noise coming from your pipes, you could be headed for a pipe break! Residential water pressure is usually around 80 psi, but sometimes municipalities have to increase pressure for nearby non-residential facilities. When this happens in the Medford/Everett and surrounding North Shore communities the increased water pressure can damage your home’s plumbing. In addition to the irritation of noisy pipes, high water pressure can:

  • Erode pipes
  • Reduce life expectancy of fixtures
  • Increase water bills
  • Result in leaks
  • Cause a pipe burst

What’s Causing those Noises?

As a large amount of water is forced through fixture openings designed to handle a lower flow, it makes a whistling sound, just like forcing a large amount of air through pursed lips causes a whistling sound. When water suddenly stops flowing through pipes, the momentum causes it to slam around inside the pipe, which causes a clanging or banging sound. Your plumbing has built-in air chambers to prevent this from happening, but when water pressure is higher than normal, the chambers aren’t enough to prevent the hammering sound. The longer you wait to address high water pressure in your home, the more likely it is to cause a pipe break.

What to do About High Pressure

If you suspect your water pressure is too high, call a plumber in Medford/Everett area to test the pressure for you. A device called a pressure regulating valve, or PRV can be installed to control the water pressure inside your home. Hiring a professional to prevent a pipe break is far preferable to hiring one to fix a broken pipe inside your walls. SERVPRO of Medford/Everett wants you to catch an emergency before they occur but if one happens before you can stop it, know that we are ready to help you at a moment’s notice. Our team of highly trained technicians will assess the damages and take the necessary steps to ensure this emergency feels "Like it never even happened."

What Causes Frozen Pipes?

12/5/2019 (Permalink)

Don't let this happen to you!

What Causes Frozen Pipes?

The water inside pipes can freeze when outdoor temperatures drop below freezing. As freezing water expands, it causes the pressure inside the pipes to increase, possibly leading to bursting pipes.

Preventing Frozen Pipes

  • Insulate pipes, especially those close to outside walls, attics or crawl spaces where the chance of freezing is greatest
  • Seal air leaks surrounding or near pipes
  • Keep garage doors closed if there are water supply lines in the garage
  • Disconnect all outdoor hoses and turn off water to exterior faucets and sprinkler systems
  • Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing
  • Keep heat at 55 degrees F. or higher even when you are out of town
  • During a cold spell turn on both hot and cold faucets near outside walls to allow a small trickle of water to run during the night
  • If you need to be away from home, leave the heat on and drain your water system before you go
  • Identify the locations of shutoff valves so that you are prepared to stop the flow of water as soon as possible when a pipe bursts

 What to Do When Pipes Freeze or Burst

 If pipes freeze:

  • Open all faucets
  • Remove insulation and wrap pipes in rags
  • If all else fails, call your plumber

If pipes burst:

  • Shut off the water immediately to prevent additional damage
  • Take proper precautions to avoid an electrical shock from being in or near standing water
  • Take an inventory of any damaged property or possessions
  • Contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Medford/Everett for help at 781-395-4444.      
  • We’ll make it “Like it never even happened."

Turn Down the Temp, But Don't Let Your Pipes Freeze!

1/18/2019 (Permalink)

You often hear about how you should turn down the thermostat to save energy, and there are a slew of helpful ideas on the subject.  You can turn the thermostat down when you're out, when you're sleeping, and you can save about 1% on your energy bill per degree you turn your thermostat down! This is all very exciting.

But before you go crazy with turning down the thermostat really low, I'd like to point out some things you might want to keep in mind.

Frozen pipes are a big deal. If the water in your pipes starts freezing, you run the risk of that pipe exploding—and goodness knows that's not what most people are hoping to do when they're trying to save energy in the dead of winter. Unfortunately, I can't just say "keep your thermostat over X degrees to avoid pipe freezing." It depends on where you live, where your pipes are, and how well insulated those pipes are.

There are relatively few places in the United States where you'd never have to worry about frozen pipes. According to, southern states generally start having issues with frozen pipes when the temperature reaches about 20 degrees Fahrenheit (the distinction is made because houses in the south are less likely to build pipes inside or in the "warm" parts of your home.)

So, unless you live in a place where it never gets below freezing (you lucky souls, you), you'll need to know some things about your house or apartment: Some water pipes will be in the "warm" parts of your house.

This is why you don't want the temperature inside your house to drop too low, because bathroom and kitchen pipes are generally not insulated, and they rely on whatever system you're using to heat the rest of your house to keep warm.

And if you rent, you might want to see if the owners require their tenants to keep their thermostat above a certain level—my apartment requires all tenants to keep their thermostats above 65, for example, and asks us to consider leaving the taps dripping.

But while these are all good reasons to be careful with the temperature you keep your thermostat at, don't forget the rest of your pipes—some of your water pipes may be in "cold" parts of your house, like crawl spaces or attics, where they don't get any of your home's ambient heat and may, in fact, be subjected to air directly from the outside.

What you'll need to do is based on the region you live in, so you may want to look up your state or city's Web site and see if they have recommendations on how to prepare your house for the winter, because you may want to insulate those pipes.

In the end, I suppose it's still a judgment call, but just remember: Your pipes are vulnerable, frozen pipes are a pain, and you should always consider how your house is built before you make any drastic decisions on how to heat your home in the winter.

Air Conditioner Maintenance

7/27/2018 (Permalink)

With the past two weeks of high heat and high humidity in the Northeast, air conditioners have been working overtime.  Let’s take a look at keeping them in tip top condition!

An air conditioner's filters, coils, and fins require regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases.

Air Conditioner Filters

The most important maintenance task that will ensure the efficiency of your air conditioner is to routinely replace or clean its filters. Clogged, dirty filters block normal airflow and reduce a system's efficiency significantly. With normal airflow obstructed, air that bypasses the filter may carry dirt directly into the evaporator coil and impair the coil's heat-absorbing capacity. Replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner's energy consumption by 5% to 15%.

For central air conditioners, filters are generally located somewhere along the return duct's length. Common filter locations are in walls, ceilings, furnaces, or in the air conditioner itself. Room air conditioners have a filter mounted in the grill that faces into the room.

Some types of filters are reusable; others must be replaced. They are available in a variety of types and efficiencies. Clean or replace your air conditioning system's filter or filters every month or two during the cooling season. Filters may need more frequent attention if the air conditioner is in constant use, is subjected to dusty conditions, or you have fur-bearing pets in the house.

Air Conditioner Coils

The air conditioner's evaporator coil and condenser coil collect dirt over their months and years of service. A clean filter prevents the evaporator coil from soiling quickly. In time, however, the evaporator coil will still collect dirt. This dirt reduces airflow and insulates the coil, reducing its ability to absorb heat. To avoid this problem, check your evaporator coil every year and clean it as necessary.

Outdoor condenser coils can also become very dirty if the outdoor environment is dusty or if there is foliage nearby. You can easily see the condenser coil and notice if dirt is collecting on its fins.

You should minimize dirt and debris near the condenser unit. Your dryer vents, falling leaves, and lawn mower are all potential sources of dirt and debris. Cleaning the area around the coil, removing any debris, and trimming foliage back at least 2 feet (0.6 meters) allow for adequate airflow around the condenser.

Coil Fins

The aluminum fins on evaporator and condenser coils are easily bent and can block airflow through the coil. Air conditioning wholesalers sell a tool called a "fin comb" that will comb these fins back into nearly original condition.

Condensate Drains

Occasionally pass a stiff wire through the unit's drain channels. Clogged drain channels prevent a unit from reducing humidity, and the resulting excess moisture may discolor walls or carpet.

Window Seals for Room Air Conditioners

At the start of each cooling season, inspect the seal between the air conditioner and the window frame to ensure it makes contact with the unit's metal case. Moisture can damage this seal, allowing cool air to escape from your house.

Preparing for Winter

In the winter, either cover your room air conditioner or remove and store it. Covering the outdoor unit of a central air conditioner will protect the unit from winter weather and debris.

Hardwood Floor Cupping Vs. Crowning

6/14/2018 (Permalink)

Crowning Floor

When moisture hit hardwood flooring wood expands and becomes susceptible to cupping and crowning – two common wood floor problems that, if not addressed properly and at the right time, can require costly sanding and refinishing to fix.

Cupping is a condition where wood board becomes concave – edges high with a center that dips low. As wet hardwood flooring expands, cupping can occur.  It is brought on when the bottom of the wood flooring remains wetter than the top surface. When cupping occurs, it’s important not to rush quickly into sanding.

Crowning –the opposite of cupping – occurs when the top edges of the board are sanded off too early and become lower than the rest of the board as it returns to normal moisture levels. Sanding the floor to remove crowning should only begin once drying measures are complete and normal moisture levels have been achieved. 

If you have either cupping or crowing floors please give us a call at SERVPRO of Medford/Everett at 800-394-4466.

The water damage restoration process begins with a detailed inspection of your property, including a damage assessment. The SERVPRO Franchise Professional is determining the scope of the damage so he or she can develop an appropriate plan of action.

What are Those Brown Stains on my Ceiling?

6/14/2018 (Permalink)

Brown Stains on Ceiling

Sometimes you'll glance up and notice a truly hideous brownish stain on your ceiling that has appeared seemingly out of nowhere. 

A word of caution: If you cover up a water stain without addressing the leak that caused it, you run the risk of additional staining on the ceiling, not to mention more serious structural or electrical damage. That’s why it is so important to find and repair the cause of the water stain as soon as possible, even if it is no longer wet.

Your first priority when dealing with a water stain should be to find the source of the leak that caused it— the roof, the upstairs radiator, and the upstairs bathroom are good places to check.

If you have ceiling staining such at this, please give us a call at SERVPRO of Medford/Everett for a free inspection. 1-800-394-4466

The water damage restoration process begins with a detailed inspection of your property.  A SERVPRO Professional will check for the source of water in your home or business and stop it. The water source must be stopped before the drying process can begin. We will determine the scope of the damage and develop an appropriate plan of action. 

Water Damage: Why Choose SERVPRO of Medford / Everett?

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage Repair and Restoration

  • Our highly trained technicians are ready to respond immediately to flood or water damage at your Medfordproperty. We have the experience, expertise, and training to restore your home or business quickly and properly. We use advanced inspection and extraction equipment to find the water and remove it as quickly as possible. Our technicians will monitor and document the drying process to ensure your property is back to normal.
  • Please follow our tips outlined in theWater Damage Tips—Until Help Arrives Guideto protect yourself and your property.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of Medford / Everett is locally owned and operated—so we are part of this community too. We are also part of a national network of over 1,700 SERVPRO Franchises and specialDisaster Recovery Teamsstrategically located throughout the country to respond to large scale disasters.

We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster

We’re dedicated to responding immediately when you contact us. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost.

We’re Highly Trained Water Damage Specialists

We are water damage specialists who get started promptly to get your property dry and back to pre-water-damage condition. Using advanced water removal and drying equipment and scientific drying principles to get your property dried quickly, we document the drying process to validate your home or business is ready. Learn about our water damage training and certificates.

We Use Advanced Drying Equipment and Techniques

Our advanced equipment helps to detect hidden moisture, extract the standing water quickly, and thoroughly clean and dry your home and belongings. We finish the job with professional deodorization and sanitizing agents for your comfort and safety.

The Water Damage Restoration Process

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

When your home or commercial property has water damage from flooding or leaks, we have the expertise and equipment to properly restore your property. Our experience and scientific approach to water removal and water cleanup enable us to properly dry and restore your property.

Water or Flood Damage?
Call Today – (781) 395-4444

Every water damage event is a little different and requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. You can click on any of the steps below to learn more about that process.

Step 1 - Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us. Our representative will guide you through the crisis and may ask several questions to help us better understand the equipment and resources.

Step 2 - Inspection and Water Damage Assessment

We determine the scope of your water damage at this stage. We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration.

Step 3 - Water Removal / Water Extraction

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons from your property, which helps prevent secondary water damage and mold growth.

Step 4 - Drying and Dehumidification

We use specialized equipment to remove the remaining water that is harder to access. Our Professionals will use room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers needed to dry your home or business.

Step 5 - Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water. We are adept at cleaning contents using a number of techniques. Our professionals are trained to provide sanitizing treatments and to remove odors and deodorize your property.

Step 6 - Restoration

Restoration is the process of restoring your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet, or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

Sewage Cleanup and Restoration

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

Water from sewer system backups should be considered very dangerous. The water is grossly unsanitary and may contain bacteria and viruses that could cause serious illness. Special training and equipment is necessary to safely clean this type of contamination.

Sewage Backup or Toilet Overflow? Call Us Today – (781) 395-4444

There are three major types of contaminated water. SERVPRO of Medford / Everett will inspect that contaminated water to determine the type of water and then plan the appropriate response to safely restore your home or business.

The three types of contaminated water:

Category 1: "Clean Water"

This is water from a clean source, such as a broken clean water supply line or faucet. If left untreated, category 1 water can quickly degrade into category 2 or 3 water depending upon such factors as time, temperature, and contact with contaminants.

  • Water from a clean source like a broken water line
  • If left untreated, can degrade into category 2 or 3

Category 2: "Gray Water"

This water has a significant level of contamination that could cause discomfort or illness if ingested. Sources for category 2 water may include washing machine overflow; toilet overflow with some urine, but no feces; or dishwasher overflow.

  • May contain bacteria and viruses
  • Can quickly degrade into category 3 if left untreated

Category 3: "Black Water"

This water is grossly unsanitary and could cause severe illness or death if ingested, and any contact should be avoided. Sources for category 3 water could include flooding from rivers or streams, water from beyond the toilet trap, water from the toilet bowl with feces, or standing water that has begun to support microbial growth.

  • May contain untreated sewage, harsh chemicals, and microbes
  • Water from flooding rivers or sewer backup

24 Emergency Service

Sewage backup should be considered an emergency and dealt with as quickly as possible. We are the water damage restoration specialists with specific training and expertise to safely restore your home or business.

If you Had a Burst Pipe Would you Know What to do?

1/25/2018 (Permalink)

Well it’s that time of year in New England when temperatures drop into the teens, and as we’ve experienced this past month, into the single digits with the wind chill below zero.  Water pipes and cold temperatures are not friends!!  A burst pipe can create serious water damage to your home and belongings.

If you had a burst pipe in your home would you know what to do?

Stop the Water Flow

Shut off the main water supply by turning off the main water turnoff.   It is best to ensure that everyone in your family knows where the main water turnoff is located and how to turn it off in case of a burst pipe emergency.  (Consider a “Water Turn Off” tag like the one pictured above)

Let the pipe drain out the water by turning on all cold faucets. Switch off the water heating system and then turn on all hot faucets to help in draining the water supply system. Also, flush all toilets. All leaks should stop once there is no more water running from the taps.

Find the Break

Locating exactly where the pipe burst is should be done immediately to prevent further damage. Once you've found the burst, you'll know what you have to do next. For instance, if it’s a tiny crack, patching it up may fix the problem for a while. Also, consider which pipe has burst. If the damage is in a main water pipe, it needs to be repaired and dealt with carefully regardless of the cause or size of the break.

If there has been leakage in the house for some time, be careful when entering rooms. Pay attention to the ceilings because if they appear to bulge, it means it is holding loads of water and could cave in any moment. If you've noticed the leak right away, place a bucket underneath to catch the drip.


If there is flooding or water damage in the home call SERPVRO of Medford/Everett at 781-395-4444.

What Causes Frozen Pipes?

1/16/2017 (Permalink)

What Causes Frozen Pipes?

The water inside pipes can freeze when outdoor temperatures drop below freezing. As freezing water expands, it causes the pressure inside the pipes to increase, possibly leading to bursting pipes.

Preventing Frozen Pipes

  • Insulate pipes, especially those close to outside walls, attics or crawl spaces where the chance of freezing is greatest
  • Seal air leaks surrounding or near pipes
  • Keep garage doors closed if there are water supply lines in the garage
  • Disconnect all outdoor hoses and turn off water to exterior faucets and sprinkler systems
  • Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing
  • Keep heat at 55 degrees F. or higher even when you are out of town
  • During a cold spell turn on both hot and cold faucets near outside walls to allow a small trickle of water to run during the night
  • If you need to be away from home, leave the heat on and drain your water system before you go
  • Identify the locations of shutoff valves so that you are prepared to stop the flow of water as soon as possible when a pipe bursts

 What to Do When Pipes Freeze or Burst

 If pipes freeze:

  • Open all faucets
  • Remove insulation and wrap pipes in rags
  • If all else fails, call your plumber

If pipes burst:

  • Shut off the water immediately to prevent additional damage
  • Take proper precautions to avoid an electrical shock from being in or near standing water
  • Take an inventory of any damaged property or possessions
  • Contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Medford/Everett for help at 781-395-4444.      
  • We’ll make it “Like it never even happened